The USAID Legacy in Peru

Legacy documents present how a sustainable difference has been made—
and are intended as both a celebration of success as well as a report for organizations and governments here and abroad.

I recently completed a legacy document discussing the contributions made by USAID to an increase in access to quality health care in Peru over some 70 years. The end product was color coded by decade as well as by health category.  It involved some 90+ pages of stories from the field, country champions, infographics, and photography from the past 70 years, and was published in both Spanish and English. It was published in hardcover in Peru.

Client:  K4Health, USAID




Although I don't do monthly newsletters,
I sometimes do magazine style communications that present highlights and photos from the prior season. This is an example of a twice-yearly magazine style newsletter produced in full color.

Client:  Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University



Posters and collateral materials

Every client has a conference, and every conference has materials: Posters, banners, table drapes, standing flags, hand-outs, and the list goes on. Here are several that were produced for a conference in Africa.

Client:  Pathfinder/NHSDP



Papers, papers, papers.

Every one of my health care clients or affiliated organizations needs a paper—usually long, sometimes needing editing, often highly confidential (so you won't see those here), and generally for print presentation.

Clients: Too many to list here 
